The fun continued on with Finn today while getting a nice break to watch some sports. Two NFL games plus an Arsenal win made for some solid entertainment, and Dan getting off work a bit earlier allowed for ample play time in the kitchen.
Finn activities:
- Playing with magnets
- Playing baseball and soccer in the backyard
- Building Lego
- Watched some of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (Finn liked the floats and the dancing and singing)
- Playing Go Fish
- Filling out the daily calendar (temperature, mood, day, month, etc)

- Made my famous chickpea salad sandwiches for the team lunch
- Ordered a feast from Fresh – one of my fave restaurants that I dearly miss from Toronto
- Completely botched the directions on a Christmas cookie kit that I tried making with Finn. Ended up with cookie dough pancakes instead; he still seemed happy with the one bear cut-out we managed. #UncleMikeFail

Thank you for reading!