On the surface, 2020 has been a horrendous year. Covid, lack of travel, lack of human interaction, working disruptions, and general fear and negativity have certainly produced challenges.
However, our lives have continued to move on, albeit, in weird circumstances. If you actually looked back on the year in detail, I’d be willing to bet there were more positive experiences, relationships and achievements than when you initially consider 2020. You likely feel as though you sat on the couch, watched an embarrassing number of hours of Netflix, and lived most days the same as the previous.
To confirm my suspicion, I’ve started to go back through the memory bank (and my phone’s camera roll) and will make a list of 2-3 special items that happened to me for each month in 2020.
The items could be massive (starting a new job, closing a big sale, running a marathon, or getting married) or seemingly insignificant (discovered a new restaurant, found a new running path, or enjoyed an outdoor beer in the park).
My challenge to you would be to do the same. After completing my recap for the first few months, I realized just how much fun I had in 2020. From Zoom calls with friends, to achievements at work, to running through all five boroughs.
During this time of year, we usually look ahead and think about resolutions, so I’m hoping this exercise of looking back brings you a little joy, makes you feel grateful, and maybe even provides you with a blanket of positivity to spread over 2020 before we flip the calendar.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. if you take on the challenge and want to share your list, send me an email (mikearnold6@gmail.com) or text with all the awesome things that made up your 2020