48 Hours With Finn

Last weekend I experimented with the first weekend jaunt to Toronto to see my old stomping grounds, and visit Dan and Steve and Finn. I left work around 4 on Friday, walked to Penn Station from Rockefeller Center, then took the NJ Transit to Newark airport. Newark is the furthest airport from midtown Manhattan but…

Summer is Here

As summer rolls around, I’ve found myself considering what my last six summers looked like: slow business, strategizing, casual hours, but worry-filled. Worried that clients wouldn’t return for the new school year. Worried about paying rent over the summer, and worried about growing bigger the next year. This summer is different so far. First of…

Long-term vs Short-term

Timelines is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. There are thousands of small decisions we make everyday and a handful of decisions we make throughout our lives which would be considered “big” such as a career choice, a career change, moving cities, buying houses or having children. It seems to me that every…

Siblings in the City

Siblings in the City

I had to let a week go by to reflect on the incredible visit I had with Dan and Steve over Memorial Day Weekend. As we planned, it was extremely action-packed, but still left time for aimless wandering and spontaneity. For anyone visiting NYC in the near future, I would recommend this strategy: plan to…